Emotional Self-Awareness as a tool to prevent burnout.
“It isn’t stress that makes us fall-it’s how we respond to stressful events. ”
Workplace stressors are an inevitable part of the professional experience and it is easy to blame burnout when things are not aligning the way you have planned. Yet, it is worth to dig deeper and ask yourself where the demotivation is coming from?
Is it really that work load that brings you down or is it a procrastination in your way of getting things even started (and/or completed!)?
Are you emotionally drained and exhausted or feeling underappreciated and taken for granted for your hard work?
Is it that moody-demanding-overreacting boss or is it the lack of commitment you are putting into specific project?
There is a fine line between being burnout and feeling misaligned with the organization’s values, culture and other employees. Feeling disengaged from time to time is normal, as we all go through cycles of life, but staying there for too long is not a good sign if you are planning to continue that specific career pass you have chosen.
Dedicate sometime each day to reflecting on what your emotional operating system is telling you about you in relation to your environment as it might help to recognize when we might be falling into behavior patterns that we would like to change. Emotional self-awareness helps to recognize and understand your emotions so you could navigate your purpose driven life staying resilient, more engaged, and what is most important - happy!
“When awareness is brought to an emotion, power is brought to your life.”
Maybe you need to give the situation a little bit of more time? Maybe you do need that extra long weekend or even mid-week day off to balance your life? Maybe you are finally ready to ask for a 4 days week that you never had a courage to ask for?
There are so many things to support you in your journey, it is only you who takes the leap of faith to determine when to start. So don’t stay in victim, use emotional intelligence to embrace the change and lean into the unknown! It is not “if” it is “when”!
There is no doubt that intellect works best when accompanied by high Emotional Intelligence. Vibrant Rising™ Programs support corporate teams, groups and individuals to rise vibrantly into their lives using Emotional Intelligence Training and coaching. If you are ready for a personalized and powerful journey that is mindfully designed for you then you will love the Vibrant Rising Private Coaching Program.
Ready to make shifts so you can work, live, and play abundantly?